structural design

from a different perspective

FALCONIX Engineering provides design and consultancy to investors, general contractors, flooring contractors and design offices for all types of floors/rafts/foundations that are intended to be cast in steel fibre reinforced concrete or combined reinforcement. This is our core-competence.

Our team of engineers not only uses sophisticated design approaches but also develops its own tailor-made software modules in order to provide most cost-efficient and sustainable solutions.

Using steel fibres reinforced concrete creates new possibilities !

  • Thinking outside the box 
  • Using sophisticated calculation methods
  • Finding potential savings
  • Optimisation of construction elements
  • Improving sustainability
  • Generating practical construction benefits and time savings
  • Enabling special projects to be executed with simplification
  • Efficient implementation of new ideas


With years of working alongside NV Bekaert SA, the market and technology leader in the field of steel fibres and steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC), we are able to use our gained experience and apply the entire "know-how" of SFRC and combined reinforcement in the best possible way to our activities in the design office, and to provide successful concepts to our clients.


Structural design from a different perspective!
Do you enjoy innovative solutions and thinking outside the box?

Then join our team.

Get in touch with our Team!

By phone, email or via social networks:
We are here for you.

Falconix Engineering GmbH
Siemensstraße 24
61267 Neu-Anspach