Foto: STATIX GmbH, Leipheim

Carl Zeiss AG Oberkochen


Carl Zeiss Straße, 73447 Oberkochen

Construction year


Project description

Combined reinforcement for the construction of thick, ambitious foundation slabs.

Optimisation with SFRC
  • Constructability and time savings -> Starting production as early as possible was a top priority for the client
  • Vibration-resistant, monolithic foundation slabs without construction joints with increased crack width limitation
  • Economic efficiency and, above all, reduced execution time were dominant factors for feasibility
  • Reduction of the crack width-limiting reinforcement of approx. 60% -> optimal constructability / economic aspect
  • High logistical requirements -> peak performance of 80 hours of continuous concreting with approx. 120 m³ per hour
Slab thickness

150 - 220 cm


combined reinforcement



Performance class


Fibre type

Dramix® 3D 80/60BG


Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen

Building contractor

Karl Köhler GmbH, Stuttgart

Original solution

STATIX GmbH Leipheim

Guirguis, P.; Schmidt, S.
Dicke Fundamentplatten in Kombinationsbewehrung
Bauingenieur 2014-02, Springer-VDI Verlag. /
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