
Vinzent R22

Residential building with three-storey underground car park


Gabrielenstraße 3 / Rupprechtstraße 22 - 24, 80636 München, Neuhausen

Construction year

2022 — 2024

Project description

With its green frontage, the VINZENT multifunctional building is all about sustainability. In this project, steel-fibre reinforced concrete was planned for the foundation slab of Munich's first wood hybrid construction building in inner-city Munich.

Optimisation with SFRC
  • By using steel fibre reinforced concrete in the foundation slab, a total of approx. 155 tonnes of steel could be saved
  • Assuming an average GWP value of 1 kgCO2e/kg for the reinforcing steel, at least 75 t CO2e were ultimately saved
  • For this building project, a sustainability certification LEED Core & Shell Gold is aimed for. The optimisation with steel fibre reinforced concrete made a huge contribution towards this
Slab thickness

100 cm


combined reinforcement



Performance class


Fibre type

Dramix® 5D 65/60BG


Bauwerk München 22 GmbH

Building contractor

Ed. Züblin AG

Original solution

Seidl & Partner Gesamtplanung GmbH

Maryamh K.; Guirguis P.
Nachhaltiges Bauen mit Stahlfaserbeton
nbau Nachhaltig Bauen 54-56, Ernst&Sohn 2023. /
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